What is Psychology?

What is Psychology?

Psychology, a branch of science, aims to make sense of the behavior and mind structure of individuals. Individuals who receive undergraduate education in psychology and graduate successfully are given the title of psychologist. Individuals who complete their master's degree in any sub-branch of psychology are given the title of expert psychologist. Psychologist literally means psychologist. Although we only think of therapy rooms and hospitals when we think of psychologists, psychologists can work in many areas according to their expertise. Apart from the health sector and institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health (private practices, etc.), there are many public institutions and private companies where psychologists can work.

  • Presidency
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of National Education
  • Ministry of National Defense
  • National Intelligence Organization
  • Psychotechnical Centers
  • Psychological Counseling Centers
  • Private Companies
  • Academy/University
  • Online Psychology Platforms

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Psychologists apply psychotherapy according to the field they receive and specialize in, while psychiatrists can perform drug treatment. Psychiatrists are authorized to prescribe medication because they are graduates of medical faculty. They benefit from medication treatment. Psychologists cannot treat with medication because they are not medical graduates.

Psychologists complete their 4-year education and then specialize by completing a master's degree. Psychiatrists start working as a specialist doctor after graduating from medical school.

Being a good psychologist

Psychologists must first and foremost be good listeners. They should listen carefully and attentively to what their clients tell them. In any case, they should not personalize the session or belittle their clients. They should not exceed the boundaries of a working relationship with the client. They should keep abreast of new tests, articles and psychotherapy methods and be open to improvement. Psychologists never judge their clients and it is a profession that requires high attention.

As the World Therapy Center family, we are proud to support you in your process of making sense of your inner world with our ethical values and valuable experts.

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