Spectrum Disorders

Spectrum Disorders

What is autism?
It is the appearance of certain prescribed and stereotyped behaviors in children due to delayed development in social interaction and abstract perception. This is completely independent of intelligence level. For a child to be on the spectrum, abnormal developmental features must have started before the age of 3 and the child must have problems with social skills. Before the age of 3, it has been observed that early intervention in recognized symptoms makes it easier for the child to establish social relationships at a later age.

The meaning of the spectrum, which we hear in many places, actually means that there are many different points within a range, we can think of it like a ruler or a fan. The reason why Autism, also called pervasive developmental disorder, is included under this title is that each child with symptoms is at different levels and points of this spectrum.

The types in this spectrum are as follows:
 -Childhood autism
- Tourette's disorder
- Atypical autism
- Disintegrative disorder
- High-functioning autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified

Asperger's Syndrome 
After Autism, the next most common type on the spectrum is Asperger's Syndrome. This was defined by Dr. Hans Asperger in 1944 as a difficulty in communicating with people. In addition, obsessive behaviors and thoughts can also accompany this type of difficulty. One of the biggest features that distinguishes them from other autism spectra is that individuals have normal or superior intelligence levels. At the same time, they also have high language skills, which makes many people in a dilemma about whether to include them in this spectrum or not. Although they perform well especially in school and business life, they have low communication skills. They find it difficult to understand the facial expressions, temperament, body language and implications of others, which causes difficulties in their social relationships. Their own speech can often be monotonous and emotionless. Gross motor skills such as walking and cycling may also be impaired. The obsessions they acquire may vary from person to person. Examples include flags of countries, car brands, cartoon heroes, flight arrival times, a friend at school. Asperger's syndrome, which is more common in boys than girls, usually occurs between the ages of 5 and 10 and is diagnosed. There is no treatment for this developmental disorder. Early diagnosis and necessary interventions play a major role in improving social skills. In case of suspicion, psychiatric and neurological examinations are important for diagnosis.

Interventions for the Spectrum in Children with WTC
Methods to minimize the symptoms of children on the spectrum include special education, medication if necessary, and behavioral therapy. Not only should professionals educate the child, but they should also educate the families, so that the education continues in all areas of the child's life and ensures easy adaptation.

autism aspergers autism spectrum disorders

Actual Pedagogical (Family-Child-Adolescent) Spectrum Disorders (Autism..)