Psychology Disciplines

Psychology Disciplines

Disciplines represent groups formed by those working with similar approaches in the field of psychology. These may differ in subjects of study, forms of research, and models of therapy. Some disciplines may be investigating the biological causes of behavior, while others may be investigating the sociocultural causes. The reason for the existence of different disciplines is; Just as people's thoughts, beliefs and consultations change, schools also support people in providing insight through different methods.

To give an example of schools in psychology;

Cognitive Therapy: It’s a school of thought that focuses on thoughts that do not benefit the individual and tries to change these thoughts.


Behavioral Therapy: It’s a school of thought that examines the learning processes of individuals and the behaviors they acquire accordingly. The functionality of the behaviors and their impact on the life of the individual are discussed.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This school of thought focuses on the thought structures of individuals and the behavioral consequences of these structures. It is aimed to analyze the behaviors caused by automatic thoughts.


EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing): It is a school of thought developed to eliminate the uneasiness created by the experiences that have been lived but not left behind. It can also be translated into Turkish as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.


Gestalt Therapy: It’s a school of thought that deals with different feelings, thoughts and associations. It deals with the integrity of the person's environment and the relationship with the person.


Psychodynamic Therapy: It is a school of thought that focuses on personality, social environment and the mind of the person as a form of therapy arising from the psychoanalytic method.


Holistic Therapy: The therapist uses existing schools by integrating them. It is a flexible structure.


Psychoanalytic Therapy: It is a school of thought that tries to understand the connections between the thoughts of the individual and the unconscious elements. It is aimed to realize the patterns that negatively affect the person's life and relationships.


In addition to being many schools of thoughts, the individual; they can choose a school of thought according to his personality and the discomfort their experiences.

disciplines psychology therapy emdr cbt gestalt holistic psychoanalytic psychodynamic

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