Most Common Psychological Illnesses

Most Common Psychological Illnesses

Every individual may not feel good spiritually at one or more periods of their life. Mental disorders; They are disorders that affect the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of the person and cause a decrease in the quality of life as a result of these effects. These disorders may appear periodically or chronically.

Although each disorder has its own symptoms, similar features of most of them can be seen as follows.


   Depressed mood

   Sleep problems

   Change in appetite

   Behavior change

   Change in mood

   Changes in sex drive

   Delusions, hallucinations and reality perception disorder

   Disorders in alcohol and substance use



   Social withdrawal or isolation

   Deterioration in concentration

   Thoughts of suicide or self-harm


The diagnosis of mental disorders are made by psychiatrists and they diagnose according to the classifications in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-V published by the American Psychiatric Association.


We can list common psychological diseases as follows:

   Anxiety disorders

   Unipolar depression

   Bipolar disorder

   Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

   Sleeping disorders

   Eating disorders

   Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

   Panic disorder

   Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


   Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)

   Specific phobias

   Disorders such as alcohol substance use-related disorders

Among these disorders, the most common ones in the society are; anxiety disorder and depression. For the diagnosis of such psychological diseases, the person's referral to a psychiatrist and then taking therapy in order not to decrease the quality of life will facilitate the process.

psychology disorders trauma anxiety schizophrenia bipolar panic disorder phobia

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