Who is a psychologist, what is psychotherapy?

Who is a psychologist, what is psychotherapy?

Psychologist; It is a branch of science that conducts research on people, their behavior, intellectual-emotional processes, the reasons that cause them, the facts about how they are formed and how they can change.

The word therapia, which means "spirit, soul, breath" in psycho Latin, means treatment and healing. It means the healing of the soul and the soul.

Our center's perspective on psychotherapy; Who is a psychologist?

It is necessary to consider the human being as a whole. Happiness as well as unhappiness, success as well as failure, disappointment as well as joy, anger as well as laughter, crying as well as smiling are the elements that make people human. How, where and to what degree we exhibit or avoid these emotional and intellectual behaviors is very important. We can see all these behaviors as a reflection of our mood.

Factors such as our communication with our parents, communication / miscommunication with family members, cultural rules, religious motifs, socio-economic situations, experienced losses, environmental phenomena, natural disasters, national situations are very effective in the content of our behavior models we exhibit against events and people, as well as our genetic structure. Human beings are an interactive being. Each of us can develop different unique behaviors against all factors. Some of these behaviors may be defensive, some offensive, and some may occur in different ways. Whichever behavior model we choose, we experience the permanent or temporary negative consequences of each of them as well as the positive side.

Our goal in life is to be happy. Each of us seeks happiness in different things. . It is very important what we fit into the word happiness and/or what we do and what we give up in order to achieve happiness.

Who is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a person who not only shows us our self, which we have long forgotten, but also makes us feel that the streets we call dead ends can be found, the problems we call unsolvable can be solved, and brings awareness. In doing so, they never impose their own feelings and thoughts on you, give advice, counsel or simply listen to you.

In order to become a psychologist, it is necessary to complete a 4-year bachelor's degree in psychology.

In order to become an expert psychologist, clinical psychologist or a therapist, it is necessary to have a master's degree in psychology. There are many psychotherapy models that are valid in the world. There are therapy and counseling models that offer different solutions on child therapy, adolescent therapy, family therapy, couple therapy, marriage therapy. Psychologists can provide therapy and counseling as an expert in that therapy model by receiving these trainings.

Psychotherapy evaluates the client's problems from an objective point of view and enables the client to perceive, recognize, reconcile and find solutions. The psychotherapist does all the work with the psychotherapy techniques he/she has been trained in. Psychotherapy is not only speech therapy but also effective on anxiety, anxiety disorders, depression, temperamental disorders, addictions, eating disorders, personality disorders, tics and obsessions.

- Individual Therapy

- Family therapy

- Child therapy

- Adolescent therapy

- Psychotherapy techniques are used in subjects such as couple & marriage therapy

The most commonly used psychotherapy methods are

- Cognitive - Cognitive behavioral therapy 

- Holistic Therapy

- Emotion-focused therapy

- Psychodrama method

- Dynamic psychotherapy 

- Psychoanalysis

If you are experiencing a mental problem, the scientific solution to this problem is to see a specialized psychologist and/or psychiatrist.

psychotherapy psychologist counseling therapy clinical psychologist sessions online therapy family therapy couple therapy marriage therapy individual therapy

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