School Failure

School Failure

Parents want to make sure that their children receive the best education possible and, as a result of that education, they want and can expect them to achieve success in their professional lives. One of the biggest wishes of most parents is for their children to be happy and successful. While the concepts of success and failure vary from family to family, they can also be a source of happiness or unhappiness for children.

As experts, the biggest criterion for a child to be considered a failure is the child's inability to learn knowledge and skills compared to his/her peers.

A child's persistent difficulty in a subject or persistent lagging behind his/her peers may be due to a learning disability or intelligence level. Being in an education system that is above the child's intelligence level will lead to failure and unhappiness. Parents' expectations should be shaped according to their child's capacity.

In addition, children who cannot establish a good relationship with their teachers, who continue their education life in crowded classrooms and inadequate materials will be less likely to be successful.

After the parents meet with the child's teacher and guidance service after a history of persistent failure, it may be necessary to seek support from a psychiatrist if necessary. As a result of the child's normal intelligence level, reasons such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, behavioral disorders, learning disorders, fear of school and lack of motivation should be reviewed.

Families of children with such causes should also make adjustments to their faulty attitudes. They should not place high expectations on exam and report card grades and should not be punitive for poor grades. At the same time, constantly talking about school and lessons at home, making the child anxious about this issue and underlining his/her failure will negatively affect the process.

It will be enough to support the child's education, patiently explain the subjects that he/she does not understand in his/her lessons and answer his/her questions.

In addition to the help and support of parents, it is important to get professional support from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

school failure intelligence family attitudes anxiety learning disabilities parental support motivation

Family Actual Pedagogical (Family-Child-Adolescent)