Peer and Sibling Jealousy

Peer and Sibling Jealousy

Peer and sibling jealousy has been on the agenda frequently in our country recently. Especially in the media and news, we are confronted with many incidents and images of peer bullying. The basis of peer jealousy can be laid by the rejection of the child by peer groups. The child who is rejected by the group can display an aggressive attitude towards the group.

Jealousy is a complex emotion that arises when we think that a relationship we value is threatened and that we may lose that relationship. For this reason, jealousy always involves a triadic relationship. In the family context, this triadic relationship consists of the jealous child, the jealous sibling and the parent, and each dyadic relationship between these three people affects the other.

If a child feels less loved or cared for than their sibling, this can lead to lower self-esteem, insecure attachment and ongoing sibling jealousy. They may also be more inclined to see others as rivals.

What can parents do to strengthen sibling relationships?

1. First of all, encourage siblings to respect each other.

2. Do not compare your children with each other.

3. Have regular family meetings.

4. Organize activities where your children can work as a team.

5. Spend special time with each of your children.

jealousy child adolescent peer friend sister brother family bullying

Family Actual Pedagogical (Family-Child-Adolescent)