Hysterical Personality Disorder

Hysterical Personality Disorder

One of the most prominent characteristics is the exaggeration of the events and emotions experienced by the person in order to be the center of attention.

The person may exhibit different behaviors in order to adapt to the environment and the people around him/her and to be accepted. He/she usually establishes a superficial relationship with the people around him/her.

The American Psychiatric Association defines hysterical personality disorder as a disorder that occurs in youth due to excessive emotionality, desire for attention and need for approval. Symptoms may include distortion of events, role-playing, exaggerated behavior, sudden changes in mood, efforts to be different in appearance, manipulation, denial, sudden crying, desire to be the center of attention, trying to look good, boredom with routines, and suicidal tendencies.

In addition to genetic and environmental factors that cause this disorder, the most important one is parental attitude during childhood. Due to an indifferent and neglectful parental attitude, the child may exhibit certain behaviors in order to show themselves and attract attention, and may turn this into a pattern, thinking that they are attracting their attention.

Psychotherapy is recommended for treatment, during which the person is supported to accept their feelings, strengthen their self-esteem and improve their ability to cope with problems.

hysterics personality disorder exaggerated behavior emotional swings

Actual Psychotic Diagnoses (Bipolar-Schizophrenia)