Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy, as it is called, seeks to improve romantic relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. 

Your relationship with your partner is not always just about you. Your childhood, your parents' relationship with you and with each other, your traumas, the experiences you have gained from the relationships you have had so far, your subconscious, your unconscious, your friendships, your sexual orientation and experiences, your ideology, your ethnic identity and many more segments that make you who you are... All of these play a key role in the relationships and communications you establish. Unless this lock is unlocked or discovered, it will cause conflicts, damage the love and respect between the partners, and lead to bad moods individually. 

So, when is the right time to apply for couples therapy?

When Should We Go to Couples Therapy?

We all know that we need to receive therapy support at certain periods in order to be able to solve, understand and be aware of our individual problems that we know and do not know. Many things we experience throughout our lives determine our thoughts, our consciousness and our approach to life. Therefore, any relationship or form of communication we establish becomes about us. And we are what we experience... 

The fact that the problems we have, especially in romantic relationships, are not one-sided leads us to couples therapy. At this point, these articles have been created to increase your awareness of your relationship so that you can make sense of your feelings.

The fact that the problems we have, especially in romantic relationships, are not one-sided leads us to couples therapy. At this point, these articles have been created to increase your awareness of your relationship so that you can make sense of your feelings. 

  • If you feel alone in your relationship,
  • If you feel like your partner could leave at any moment or every good moment could be spoiled,
  • If your partner has excessive jealous behavior,
  • If he/she is trying to manipulate you emotionally,
  • If you have suspicions that he or she is lying to you or cheating on you,
  • If you feel your life is restricted,
  • If you do not have the same ideas and cannot find a middle ground for them,
  • If you feel as if family and friends are the interlocutors in your relationship rather than your partner,
  • If you feel you are becoming invisible,
  • You have no one around you and you are isolated even in your social environment,
  • You can't agree on how to use your shared home, divide expenses, live a joint life, etc,
  • If you can't have a conversation,
  • If every conversation or argument turns into a big, inconclusive fight,
  • If fighting, disagreement and unrest have become your norm,
  • If you are not sexually compatible or have lost it,
  • If you are heartbroken, want to talk about your relationship but cannot communicate with your partner

It may be the right time to consult a relationship therapist. 

Benefits of Couples Therapy

As we mentioned above, solving communication problems in a relationship actually means unlocking the locks of your own life. Therefore, couple therapy is based on self-discovery and self-healing. For this reason, couple therapies, which you can also receive as online therapy, are offered to you as WTC family with its expert staff.

Online Couples Therapy

Within the scope of online therapy, you can also receive relationship therapy, organize sessions at the times and days of your choice, and carry out this process in communication with experts from your own culture and language. 

Remember; if you discover yourself and rebuild your communications, you will reach your best self. We are here to support you every step of the way!

couples therapy spouse lover marriage partner relationship romantic

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