We believe that civil society organizations are the heart and mind of our society. We believe that each NGO is working in its own field to build an environmentally friendly, healthy, peaceful, happy, fair, and a free bridge from today to tomorrow.

As World Therapy Center, we want to be a companion to our NGOs on this important, valuable, and challenging journey.

We have planned special activities for this journey. Everyone has the right to live a happy, a peaceful life. In this world we live in, many times we may face challenges, traumas, losses, health problems, difficulties in relationships or career journeys. If we can manage these processes correctly, we can start dreaming hopeful dreams again and develop our creativity and become happier and happier. “Happiness is contagious.”

Everyone has a right to therapy because we do not live alone. We have tested this again and again during the pandemic.

As World Therapy Center, we are happy to provide discounted and/or free therapy and counseling services to disadvantaged, victimized (broken families and their children, victims of war and terrorism, trauma) girls and women, gifted children, and adolescents whose socioeconomic status is not enough to receive therapy and counseling.

We do this by strengthening our civil society organizations and reintegrating people who receive therapy and counselling back into social life.

Today is the day to join forces!


As NGOs, you can refer clients to us.

  1. (NONC) You can write to us about people who apply to our association who cannot afford therapy and counselling social economically.

As World Therapy Center we will support the people you refer with our international experts with the necessary therapy and counseling in their mother tongue in line with the quota.

We can refer volunteers to you.

  1. (NONT) We direct people who are socioeconomically inadequate to receive therapy and counseling to work in your projects and change for our services.

Our only condition for the free or discounted therapy and counseling services we will provide to disadvantaged individuals and families who apply to us for sessions is that you, are valuable non-governmental organizations working for our future, provide one to one and/ or online physical and professional volunteer support in their valuable projects.

when these people work in your social responsibility projects, they will automatically receive free or discount sessions from us.

in this way, both our clients will be socialized and strive to do something for the society, and you, they're liable civil society workers, will gain individuals who volunteer in your projects.

You, dear NGO employees, can benefit from our therapy and counselling services at a discount.

  1.  (NONW) We are happy to offer special discount on therapy and counseling services to you, are valuable NGO employees.

We know how much you, our valuable association employees, we work hard for a happier society. Having the stronger mental health will enable us to look at our future with more confidence. With this support, it will make us even happier to distract you from your daily stress and to increase the motivation of those who want to join you. In this context, employees of non-governmental organizations who have been working voluntarily or professionally in a non-governmental organization for at least six months will be able to benefit from this service.

if you want to be a part of your work, we would be happy to see you among us.