What is Dating Violence?

What is Dating Violence?

Dating violence refers to the totality of harmful behaviors in romantic relationships that are often associated with the pursuit of power and control. This type of violence often starts unnoticed and can become more serious over time. Types of dating violence include physical, sexual, psychological, digital, social, stalking and economic violence. Each type can have different effects on the victim and can lead to serious consequences in the long term.

Physical dating violence is the most clearly identifiable and often observable type. This type of violence includes actions such as intentionally hurting the partner's body, slapping, kicking, beating, etc. In addition, the severity of physical violence can increase over time and can lead to fatal consequences.

Sexual dating violence includes situations where a partner is coerced into sexual intercourse, sexually abused or sexually harassed. Symptoms of sexual violence include forcing a partner to have sex against their will or violating their sexual boundaries.

Psychological dating violence may not be as obvious as other forms, but it can be very harmful in the long run. This type of violence includes behaviors such as constantly criticizing, humiliating, threatening and controlling the partner. Psychological violence damages the victim's self-esteem and negatively affects their emotional health.

Digital dating violence is becoming an increasing problem today. Behaviors such as monitoring the partner's social media accounts, asking for passwords, keeping communication under control are among the symptoms of this type. Digital violence means violating personal space and threatening privacy.

Social dating violence occurs in the form of interfering with the partner's social relationships, restricting the people they can meet or removing them from their social circle. This type of violence can lead to social isolation and weaken the victim's support network.

Stalking is the constant following and controlling of a partner through physical or digital means. The aim is to harass, intimidate or threaten the partner. This type of violence can make the victim feel uneasy and insecure.

Economic dating violence occurs when the economic power of the partner is used. It can be seen as control over or deprivation of the partner's work life, financial resources, education. Economic violence can cause the victim to lose their independence and freedom.

Signs of dating violence include behaviors such as constant criticism, humiliation, threats and controlling the partner. Raising awareness is very important to recognize and prevent these symptoms. Developing communication skills, learning to set boundaries, taking measures to ensure safety and knowing that violence is unacceptable are the foundations of a healthy relationship.

Dating violence should also be addressed as a social problem. Awareness-raising activities should be carried out against the normalization of violence in society, awareness-raising programs should be organized in educational institutions and support should be provided to individuals exposed to violence. It should not be forgotten that everyone has the right to a healthy and safe relationship. Combating dating violence is the responsibility of individuals and society and a joint effort is required to solve this problem.

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